As I get all cuddled up next to my hubs in bed, he says to me, "When I hug you, it's like I'm hugging a mermaid." Then he thinks about it and says, "I feel like you're half human, half kayak! Because your body is human like and cuddly, but then your leg is hard and straight like a kayak." "You're a Hayak. Hyman. Kyman. Kuman." He then giggled after he said "Cumin". :)
Then he proceeds to tell me that he feels like we are camping with a lantern because my phone was on and lit up. But that we had a really crappy sleeping bag. (we just had a sheet on us) But we had a "Waaaayyy comfy mattress" Josh then say's "Sometimes I get scared that we are going to get eaten by a bear......or a Moose." "A moose might smell my farts because they smell like beef jerky because I ate so much of it." "Because they can smell really good." ha Oh Ambien. How you make my nights a good laugh!
Reading these make me laugh.... :)