Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Camping for my Birthday!

This year for my birthday, I decided I wanted to go camping! We went up to Redman for the weekend with some friends and had a fantabulous time!!  Josh chased a deer and we fed chipmunks for hours.  The first night Court & Nick came up and we played games until the crack of dawn! Then Saturday night, Ash & Jer and Beth & Johnny came up and then I was surprised with a birthday cake that had a flamingo!
For my present, Josh surprised me with new hiking shoes, a way warm/cute jacket and a 20 pass for Bikram yoga! While we were camping we only had a short, but a bit scary Ambien encounter.   Court & Nick kept Josh & I up again telling jokes and laughing, but as I could see the Ambien kicking in, I decided it was time for bed.  As Josh got in the tent, I stopped to talk to Ashlyn.  Of course Josh came out of the tent to see what was going on and started shining his flashlight everywhere looking for who knows what! I looked down and noticed he only had one shoe on.  I finally got him back into the tent and into his sleeping bag. But he was too quick and had picked up his gun and was waving it all around because the Night Sight on his gun glows in the dark.  It was like we were in a rave and he was waving his glow sticks around.  Sorry Beth you had to witness it.  But don’t worry, there was no bullet in the chamber and the safe was on.  Ambien + Gun = Not a good idea! Oh how I do love Josh though. He makes for a good laugh! 

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you had a good birthday with your man! How fun for you and you deserve it! :)
